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We are pleased to announce another great ISF online event scheduled for 14th September, 2024 at 18:00 to 20:30 hrs (6pm – 8:30pm) UK London time, the ISF will host the following special fundraising event:

This is a fundraiser to help us keep program costs as low as possible!

It will begin with a talk by noted author and medium Ann Harrison, speaking on the Mediumship of Minnie Harrison and the Christmas party sittings

Then after a short break we will have a mediumship demonstration to showcase the mediumistic talents of ISF members!

 The mediums for this event are:

  • Sue Burtenshaw (UK)
  • Frederick Haglund (Sweden)
  • Debra Killick (UK)

The fee for this fundraiser is £15. The link will be sent to you after payment.  Please register and show your support!

We look forward to seeing you online soon!


Ann Harrison

Mediumship of Minnie Harrison and the Christmas party sittings

Ann Harrison originally trained in Pharmacy before taking a degree in Education at the University of Wales and teaching for a number of years in schools in East Yorkshire, England.

In1990, she became interested in Communication from the Spirit Realms and became involved in research into Psychical Physical Phenomena on meeting her second husband, Tom Harrison, in 1993. They were members of Stewart Alexander’s Home circle for 6 years, as well as having their own Home Circle in the late 1990s.

Having moved to Spain they sat with Robert McLernon and his wife for almost 7 years witnessing amazing transfiguration and trance teachings. When Tom passed in 2010, he quickly connected with many mediums in a number of ways so that Ann could write a book – Harrison Connections: Tom Harrison’s “Desire to Communicate”.

Ann has sat in a number of circles with reputable physical mediums since then and in May 2023 put her own amazing experiences on record in – Experiences of Physical Phenomena in the 21st Century.

Debra Killick

Debra, born in London, England, now resides on the picturesque South Coast of England. Her fascination with spiritualism began at a young age, setting the foundation for a lifelong journey of discovery and enlightenment. About 15 years ago, Debra embarked on her formal spiritual path by joining a local circle, which significantly deepened her understanding and connection to the spirit world.

For the past seven years, Debra has been an active working medium, serving local churches and extending her reach internationally. A staunch believer in the continuous learning process of spiritualism, Debra is currently delving into the intriguing realm of Physical Mediumship, always eager to expand her knowledge and skills.

In addition to her spiritual endeavours, Debra has had a distinguished career spanning over 40 years as an Senior Investigator for the UK and US Recording Industry. Her work in combating music piracy has been instrumental in protecting the intellectual property rights of countless artists and producers.

Debra’s dedication to her craft and her community is further exemplified by her role as the ISF (International Spiritualist Federation) Representative for the United Kingdom. In this capacity, she works to promote and uphold the values of spiritualism, both domestically and internationally.

Debra’s journey is a testament to her unwavering commitment to both her spiritual and professional pursuits, and she continues to inspire those around her with her passion and dedication.

Sue Burtenshaw

Sue, originally hailing from London, now enjoys the serene beauty of the South Coast of England, UK. Before her retirement, Sue dedicated her career to nursing, a profession that allowed her to provide care and support to young babies, nurturing the youngest and most vulnerable members of society.

With a spiritual heritage running through her veins, Sue has been a dedicated working medium for 23 years. She comes from a lineage of healers and mediums, a legacy that has profoundly influenced her path. Throughout her career, Sue has served local churches and extended her reach internationally, bringing comfort and insight to people around the world.

Sue’s enthusiasm for her work is driven by a deep belief in the continuity of life and the healing power of spiritual messages. She is passionate about demonstrating that life persists beyond the physical realm and understands the profound healing that spiritual messages can bring to both the giver and the receiver.

Sue’s journey as a medium is characterized by her compassion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to proving the enduring nature of the human spirit. Her work continues to touch and heal lives, offering reassurance and hope to those seeking spiritual connection and understanding.

Fredrik Haglund

Fredrik became aware of his spiritual abilities when he was a child, and it was not until later in life that he understood what it was. As he looks back through his life, he can see the spirit world has always been close and working with him. Fredrik’s wakeup call was when he was in a serious car accident in his thirties that changed his life and guided him into his spiritual journey. On this journey, he learned about psychic abilities combined with inner wisdom and knowledge.

Today he is a strong believer that everybody can access their spiritual abilities and use this knowledge in their daily life to develop their spiritual understanding.

Fredrik is a certificate holder of the Spiritualist National Union (CSNU) in Demonstrating and Speaking.​ 

He has studied under wonderful mentors who have helped him to see the bigger picture and how to build the bridge between the two worlds. He says “It has always been my pleasure to share my knowledge of Mediumship and Healing and help people in their spiritual development in person or online.”


September 14, 2024

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